I have a great deal of experience and expertise in the treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorder. What used to be called Asperger's Syndrome can no longer fit into a single category. Like everything, people are different from one another. No one is the same and each of us has a unique personality and background. That has been the problem with diagnosis since the beginning. I work with client’s that suffer from Symptoms of ASD.
More helpful in adults is the discovery that you may have been on the autistic spectrum as a child and were not aware. As children grow and adjust, their ability to cover up to fit in is more successful.
I have discovered that these clients who have worked so hard to mask a condition that they were born with have now developed a secondary condition as adults. These conditions and symptoms are the result of years of managing the childhood Autism Spectrum Disorder. I am one of the few therapists who recognize this as a malady and therefore a treatable condition.